Project news

Students Unleash Creativity through Impactful Comic Strips

Here you can find the latest newsletter of the Climatopia project. You will find information, the status of the project and the report of the last Transnational Project Meeting held in Madrid.

Here you can find all the information you need to start playing the Climatopia Game. You will love it!

Presenting Climatopia project in the International Conference on Information Communication Technologies in Education: ICICTE 2023.

Below you can find the first newsletter of our project. Get to know everything you need about the conference of ICICTE in Lesvos where Climatopia is going to be exposed.

Event in Rafina
On Saturday 13 May 2023, the 3rd Laboratory Center of East Attica-pilot school of the Climatopia Project-in collaboration with PARAGON-eduTech and the University of the Aegean, participated in the Student Festival of Rafina for the presentation of the project.