Project meetings

During the second Transnational Project Meeting that took place in Lesvos (Greece), participants representing the Climatopia project consortium were in attendance. All partners reviewed the development and progress of the project results. 
For result 1, Blick introduced the status of the result, and the partners validated the variables. Also, the actions items and deadlines for the tasks to be done by each partner were established.
University of Aegean presented the result 2 status and, the partners made decisions and established the relevant deadlines for the tasks to be carried out by each partner in relation to the Comic Book and the Self-Training Handbook.
For result 3, Siglo22 presented the game to the partners and invited them to test it. Afterwards, the partners answered a quality assessment questionnaire. Tasks and deadlines for their realisation were also set.
Furthermore, LU presented the status of PR4 and PR5, and partners discussed and agreed on the work plan of each result.
Regarding the dissemination activities, Siglo22 presented the Dissemination Plan and the tasks and deadlines for carrying out these activities were established.

We had a great time together during the meeting and were able to learn about the development of the project. See you at the next meeting!