Project meetings

The last Climatopia project meeting was held in Madrid (Spain) on 1-2 February 2024. At this meeting, all partner organisations reviewed the development of the project results and the tasks that still need to be completed.

During the first day, the current status of the first results as well as the last activities to be completed were discussed.

In relation to results 2 and 3, the last tasks were set to finalise the details of the materials created. In addition, during the first day we enjoyed a sightseeing tour of Madrid and an amazing social dinner where we enjoyed the company of the consortium.

During the second day, the main aspects of outcomes 4, 5 were discussed. Important aspects of dissemination activities were also presented. Regarding result 4, the partners shared their experiences from the pilot phase and gave each other feedback in order to make improvements and changes in the project. For outcome 5, the partners established relevant activities and deadlines for their completion.

Regarding the dissemination of the project, the partners set a task to review the content and translations of the project website. In addition, some key aspects of social media and dissemination activities were discussed for each partner. Finally, each partner commented on their experience during the Multiplier Events carried out in each country.


It was a pleasure to see you once again! It was a great experience!