
Climatopia Simulation and Decision-Making Game

Educators and policymakers continue to face challenges when it comes to finding effective strategies to engage the public on climate change.

Clearly, there is an urgent need for effective ways to engage diverse audiences about global climate change. Serious games support climate change understanding and decision-making. Climate change effects are accelerating, as is the need for appropriate actions. We know that by making sound choices now and in the future, we can foster climate resilience and reduce risks and costs for future generations and ourselves.

The third result aims at the effective application of the knowledge acquired in the context of a simulation, decision-making game (Learning to Do) and the provision of ‘designed experiences’ where players can learn through doing and being, rather than absorbing information from readings and traditional lecture formats (Learning to Be) will be achieved by the development of the game.

The players will act to revitalize the fantasy land “Climatopia” (inspired by Plato’s ‘outopia’) to become greener. There will be pre-defined action choices. If the player makes the ‘wrong’ decision there will be four elves—representing earth, water, air and fire—to support the gamers by retrieving knowledge for them from the Results 1 & 2 and encourage them to reconsider the original choice.

Cimatopia Game - Basic Level

Cimatopia Game - Medium Level

Climatopia Game - Advanced Level


Activity 1

The result focuses in particular on the game design method, which consists of two tasks:

  • a) decision problem definition and analysis using a multi-stakeholder adaptation, and
  • b) development of a storyline around the decision problem, the setting for the players, and the rules for their interaction.

All partners will contribute in the development and the finalisation of the game scenarios according to their expertise:

  • Blick: defining and analysing the decision problems
  • UAegean: development of the storylines based on the Climatopia Comic Books
  • LU: defining and analysing the decision problems; development of the choices the players can have and scripts for the continuation of the story
  • EREL: support to the LU as regards the consequences of each choice based on scientific evidence and development of the support by the elves as regards the "wrong" and the "right" choices

Activity 2

Game development.

Activity 3

Release of the beta version1 of the game for validation by the Teachers Coordinators and the Pilot Teachers.

Activity 4

Release of the beta version2 of the game for validation by the Teachers Coordinators and the Pilot Teachers.

Activity 5

Game debugging: detecting and removing of existing and potential errors/bugs.

Activity 6

Release of the final version of the Climatopia Game.